Plano, Texas
Case acceptance date: 09/07/2024
LEXIE Escaped 08/30/2024
LEXIE Captured: 09/08/2024
DEE Escaped 08/31/2024
DEE Captured: 09/11/2024
Females, Approx 2 years old
*********🚫 DO NOT CHASE 🚫*********
********** DO NOT FEED **********
Plano Animal Control requested our assistance in capturing these two extremely elusive dogs who escaped their adult owners senior parents.
Their owner has been ill and in and out of the hospital and he can no longer care for the dogs. He asked his senior parents who are in their 90s to temporarily care for the dogs and try to rehome them. They picked up Lexie first and put her in a temporary enclosure in the backyard with her collar and leash attached and she escaped the first night. As she was running free, they brought the second dog Dee to the house and put her in that same enclosure. He said that Dee also began to dig out, and Lexie was also trying to dig Dee out from the other side. Within a few hours, Dee was also free from the enclosure, leaving them both roaming the neighborhood. At some point Lexie’s leash must have gotten caught on something and she chewed her way out.
The owners senior parents are wanting them both captured and then they want to surrender them to Plano Animal Services so they can be rehomed. This is the very best option because they are not willing to take the dogs inside the home and use crates. The temporary enclosure will not provide adequate security and housing for them.
Our team arrived on site to assess the situation and to see just how elusive both of the dogs are. After about an hour, we were confident that we could hand capture Lexie because at that point we were able to hand feed her and even pet her. Dee would not get very close at all. ~~~ We made the decision to not capture Lexie because we did not yet have Dee conditioned for capture. There is a great risk in capturing one without the other and allowing any length of time to go by in between. The risk is that if you capture one and not the other, the remaining dog will often change locations and then be extremely hard to locate and cause them to be even more elusive. We decided to leave Lexie on site and start a video monitored feeding station so we could observe them both and see if they would eat together at the same time.
The owners senior parents had previously set up a feeding station, so today our team added a video camera at the feeding station to monitor and confirm that it is them eating the food. Giving them a consistent and reliable food source will help condition them for capture.
Visit this page regularly for updates.
Since they both ate at the feeding station, we will be deploying our team tomorrow to set up our large corral and stage for capture. We will be live streaming on all platforms, so join us if you streaming on all platforms, so join us if you can.
The corral is baited and armed, and our team is staged about 50 yards away. Because they did not eat together last night we are pretty sure they will not come and eat together today so we will likely capture one at a time.
Lexie showed up about an hour after the corral was deployed. After circling the corral a couple of times she was really hungry so she faced her fears and went inside the corral where she was safely captured. Because we already knew that Lexie was not as fearful as her sister Dee, we decided to get her out of the corral much faster than we normally do so that we could reset it and stage for Dee’s capture. We loaded her up into a transport kennel and then team members Cindy and Debbie transported her to Plano animal services while Ginny and Selena stayed back and staged waiting on Dee to show up to the corral.
When the door started to close, she lunged forward and hit the camera which made the video turn pink temporarily. Lexie was not injured when she hit the camera.
Lexie will soon be vetted and be available for adoption or rescue.
Plano Animal Services
4028 West Plano Parkway
Plano, TX 75093
Our team is leaving the site for the day because Dee never went inside the corral. She got close but she was just too scared. We placed the food bowl just inside the door of the corral to help Dee face her fears and come eat without having to go all the way inside just yet. We are adapting to her demands as we condition her to go all the way inside.
it didn’t take her too long to finally get up the nerve to approach the corral and eat from the bowl just inside the door. Now we will move the bowl inside a little bit more and see if she will advance further inside.
She went half way in and ate EARLY this morning!
Dee was a brave little girl and went all the way inside to the corral and ate. Now that she is properly conditioned to the corral, our team is planning to arm the corral and stage for capture Wednesday afternoon (9/11). During staging and capture will be streaming live on all platforms.
In the meantime, she will be fed each morning and each evening inside the corral to keep her on a set schedule.
Dee showed up about an hour after our team arrived for staging, and once she arrived at the corral, the change of there being a tripod, an iPad for the live stream, and a battery powering the corral, threw her off so she paced for a few minutes before finally going in and being captured.
Dee received her intake vaccinations tonight, and she will soon be spayed and fully vetted. Then she will be available for adoption or rescue.
Plano Animal Services
4028 West Plano Parkway
Plano, TX 75093
They have both been reunited and they are sharing a kennel now! They are both pretty scared in the shelter and we are trying to help network them for a rescue. We will be visiting them very soon and we will keep you updated!
Collin County, Texas, United States
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