Before submitting a capture request, please read through the following information.
Our Team specializes in capturing sick, injured, and elusive animals where all traditional measures have failed, or in emergency situations where an animal has fled the scene after a major vehicle collision, or they have been displaced during a major event or disaster. We work around the clock using state of the art aerial and ground equipment including thermal imaging, night vision, and live cameras to safely locate and capture animals, and we provide immediate lifesaving veterinary treatment.
Elusive capture cases are triaged and accepted based on their medical and trauma urgency with sick and injured cases moved to the top of the list.
Many elusive cases can take our highly specialized team only hours to capture; however sometimes it can take several days or even weeks depending on the condition of the animal, location, accessibility, terrain, and level of tracking needed.
Cases outside of our service area are accepted on a case by case basis.
We do not charge a fee for our services.
Collin County, Texas, United States
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