Frisco, Texas
(Lost Near Main St/Legacy Dr)
Lost: 01/15/2025
Case acceptance date: 01/15/2025
Captured: 01/19/2025 08:54
Male Wolf Hybrid (Wolf/Husky/Shephered), Neutered, Microchipped
*************** DO NOT HUNT ***************
*********🚫 DO NOT CHASE 🚫*********
********* DO NOT FEED **********
Cato is a very skittish rescue boy who escaped from his family’s vehicle in the HEB parking lot and took off running. His family saw him in the immediate area multiple times for the first few hours but he was too frightened to let them approach. He just kept running erratically.
Due to his extremely elusive nature and Cato being seen crossing multiple dangerous roadways, our team accepted his case and we deployed to the site a few short hours later. We immediately conducted an aerial search but there was no sign of him within our search grid after several hours of searching. We are certain we could not locate him the first day/night because we was hiding in and traveling through the underground storm drain system. This theory was proven the next day.
✳️ We had a lot of sightings the second day which helped us to narrow down our search grid. We located him during an aerial search precisely at the exit of one of the large storm drains and have tracked him ever since. We now have him right where we want him! ~~~If you do see him, please ignore him and report sighting locations right away to our team at 469-608-0729
We flew for 6 hours but only live-streamed for the final 2.5 hours of our search.
Cato did not visit Feeding Station #1 overnight so we deployed a second one in an area he was seen in recently.
Based on new sighting's intel we deployed a third video monitored feeding station.
We also conducted an aerial search this evening and we located Cato fairly quickly. We ALMOST had him via an Aerial Assisted Hand Capture TWICE by a family member but he was too spooked. For now we are going to rely on our feeding stations and then deploy our corral trap.
⬇️ start watching at the 33 minute mark
Now that Cato visited one of our other stations fairly close to the residential feeding station, our plan for today is to monitor him and see which location he is more comfortable eating at. The location inside the trees is more IDEAL if possible because it’s more hidden from people. He is definitely staying out of the trees at night to avoid conflict with the coyotes but we will soon find out if he feels safe enough in the trees during the day.
When he visited the second feeding station a few minutes ago he was already pretty full so he did not eat all the food. He will be back when he gets hungry again.
Because he has chosen to return to this location and eat instead of one of the other stations, we are demobilizing all of the other stations effective this evening and we will use this location to deploy our corral trap tomorrow afternoon.
Fresh food will be replenished at the station just before dawn tomorrow to continue conditioning him to a daytime/morning feeding schedule.
Based on our around the clock aerial observations and our feeding station surveillance, Cato avoids the isolated areas after dark and stays near houses at night to avoid conflict with the coyotes. We are not worried about the coyotes harming Cato. They are tolerating each other well. ~~~
This video shows two different coyotes visiting two of our more remote feeding stations after dark including the station (station #2) that Cato visits during the day to eat.
We prepare the fresh food bowl off site so that we can get in, swap the bowl, and get out quickly within seconds. It’s important that we try not to intercept Cato at the feeding station if at all possible.
We deployed our Corral Trap in a 10’x10’ configuration at the feeding station that Cato has now been well conditioned to. Because he showed up at dusk yesterday, our team decided to stage for capture just until dark tonight since he won’t visit after dark. Tragically, there were people out hunting him, following him and scaring him to death so he did not stop and eat inside the Corral trap. Now he will have to endure the frigid cold tonight. 😫💔 We locked the Corral door open for the night and there is fresh food inside in case he decides to be extra brave and show up after dark.
‼️We DESPERATELY need for everyone who resides in Kings Garden & Heather Ridge Estates to please IGNORE HIM and NOT TO FEED HIM so that we can capture him. Please help us spread the word if you live in the area.
Neutered Male Cane Corso, No Collar, No Harness, No Handler in Sight!
This is the first time we have ever seen this dog and we have been on site around the clock for three days. We are not sure if he is a stray, a recently lost dog, or if someone allows him outside to potty off leash. Please text our command line at 469-608-0729 if you see anything on social media about someone missing a dog that fits his description. ~~~ If he is lost and still out there, he will likely show up at our feeding station again and we will capture him too.
‼️♥️UPDATE 23:51: He was lost but he made his way home after his big meal…. thank goodness!! Feeding Stations work! 🤣
Our team is now staged on site for capture along with Cato’s family and close friends. Cato should be really hungry and ready since he last ate 24 hours ago.
~~ Due to a lack of cellular signal where the corral is located, we are unable to live stream during staging. Once he is captured we will attempt to live stream but if we can’t get enough hotspot signal we will post a video!
We transported Cato to our emergency veterinary team for dehydration, an overall exam and bloodwork, and an assessment of his injured paw/leg. He is doing good! He last saw a veterinarian back in October for his vaccinations and neuter surgery, but we are concerned about him being so underweight and possibly having intestinal parasites even though he is on prevention. We want to get him checked out so that he is able to go home feeling good so that he can decompress with his family properly.
We will post a detailed medical update as soon as he is discharged.
Cato looked looked pretty good at the time of capture other than being underweight and having a less than ideal body score. It turns out that Cato was feeling pretty rotten and had a fever. We kept him in the hospital for the entire day for treatment. While in hospital he received pain and anti-diarrheal medications, IV fluids, wound care, X-rays, bloodwork, and various other diagnostic tests.
Bloodwork and physical exam showed mild dehydration but he received IV fluids to help hydrate him. He had SEVERE diarrhea upon arrival to the ER which was contributing to his dehydration. Cato has a puncture wound and swelling on his left rear paw which was causing his lameness/limping and he also has several small wounds on his inner thigh and abdomen that we could not see until after he was thoroughly examined while sedated. All of his wounds were shaved, cleaned, and treated. His x-rays revealed that he did not have any fractures nor an infection inside his foot bone. Upon discharge his fever was resolved. He is negative for heartworms and any tick borne disease.
He is going home with pain medication, antibiotics, and antidiarrheal medicine. He should start to feel much better within a couple of days and if he doesn't, they will follow up with his primary veterinarian.
He only has to wear the cone for 24 hours just so that he does not lick his bum bum and cause more irritation that had been caused by his severe diarrhea over the past few days.
Cato is doing very well at home! His stools are now solid, he is out of the cone, and dad says “He's so playful more playful than he's ever been and I'm loving it!🥰“.
If you’d like to purchase items to help Cato continue his rehabilitation at home, we are providing Cato’s Amazon wish list! Items you purchase will be shipped directly to Cato’s home through Amazon.
Collin County, Texas, United States
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