Wylie, Texas
Case acceptance date: 08/19/2024
CAPTURED: 08/22/2024
Neutered Male
Approx. 2 years old
🥾Total Team Boots on the Ground Time: 9 Hours
*********🚫 DO NOT CHASE 🚫*********
********** DO NOT FEED **********
Wylie Animal Control requested our assistance in locating, tracking, and capturing this extremely elusive sweetie who has been running through the area for almost a YEAR.
♥️Just in case he does not have a name we have temporarily named him “Dutton”.
Wylie Animal Services had previously set up a feeding station, so today our team added a video camera at the feeding station to monitor and confirm that it is him eating the food. Giving him a consistent and reliable food source will help condition him for capture.
Thank you so much to Wylie Animal Control and Good Samaritan Angie for replenishing the station daily.
Stay tuned to this page for more information and updates.
Now that we deployed a video camera at animal control’s feeding station, we have confirmed they have only been feeding a kitty for the past week, not Dutton. We are switching gears and going to conduct an aerial search for him tomorrow.
Please report sightings to our team at 469-608-0729
Our team conducted a thermal aerial search this morning before it reached 1000°. 😜 We located him in three hours inside the wooded forest within the Wylie Rail Yard property. We demobilized Animal Control’s feeding station from Walmart and we deployed a new feeding station and a 400 yard liquid smoke scent trail in the new area he is in. We added fresh food and water to the station and now we wait.
We will continue to monitor him from the air for a while today so that we may locate his hiding places and dens giving us priceless intel in the event he does not visit the new feeding station location.
As we kept him under aerial surveillance most of the morning, our drone followed him as he picked up the scent trail leading him directly to the feeding station where he ate. He then took a swim in a nearby storm drain outlet. We continued to follow him from the air and from the ground. Suddenly and surprisingly, an opportunity presented itself and we were able to quickly hand capture him with a slip leash very soon after we landed the drone.
🔥Watch it all unfold start to finish by watching the video below!!! It’s long but so worth it to see behind the scenes footage.
Once we had the slip leash on him, he became completely submissive and sat down. ♥️ HE IS SO SWEET!!! (He definitely has or has had a family before. Hopefully someone is missing him).
We placed him in our air-conditioned vehicle, gave him some freshwater, gave him medication for fleas and also we dewormed him. We immediately conducted a full body scan and did not find any implanted microchip.
We then contacted Wylie Animal Control and they came to the scene and picked him up. Animal control conducted a secondary full body scan and also found no microchip.
He will stay at the Wiley animal shelter through his mandatory stray hold and then he will be networked for rescue or adoption. LINK TO SHELTER LISTING: https://24petconnect.com/DetailsMain/WYLE/A009128
Collin County, Texas, United States
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