Dallas, Texas
Good Samaritan Discovered Mom Astray: Early 2023
Case acceptance date: 01/12/2024
ALL CAPTURED: 01/13/2024
Boots on the ground time: 17 hours
A Good Samaritan named John works at a trucking company in far south Dallas near Dowdy Ferry, the known dog dumping grounds. He discovered a pregnant stray dog a few months ago and he has been working to gain her trust. She has been living in a small patch of woods next to his truck yard. He tried and tried for months but he was unable to capture her. They reached out to Dallas Animal Services but they never responded to his request. She had her puppies about 8 weeks ago. John’s daughter Liz reached out to us for assistance back on 11/13/2023 when her puppies were only 2 weeks old.
Due to a backlog with case requests we weren’t able to take the case immediately. Now, ahead of this storm we know the puppies won't survive the frigid temperatures, and they are at the age where they will start running off on their own and the vicious cycle will continue, so we are taking a short break from Oliver's case and we are going to capture mom and puppies.
Below is their case timeline and be sure to check back here for updates.
Good Samaritan John was able to capture 2 of the feral puppies in a box trap. The others would not go near his trap. He transported them to Dallas Animal Services for a stray hold.
Three days later Operation Kindness picked up the puppies. As soon as we are able to deploy our team we will capture the remaining puppies (and mom) and they will be reunited with the other puppies at Operation Kindness!
‼️As of today one of the 9 puppies disappeared according to John. He said that only 6 puppies have been coming out of the brush to eat.
Our team deployed to the site and setup our corral trap. We arrived only just a few minutes before dark and the mom and puppies were there to greet us from a distance. In good faith, we fed them a few pieces of cheeseburgers to have them wanting more. It took us about an hour to set everything up and by then it was dark, and mom and puppies had went inside their den in the woods.
We staged for 3 hours but they absolutely would not come out after dark. Soul shatteringly, we flew our thermal imaging drone and located them inside their den all huddled up together and the temperature was already 34°. 😰
Knowing that they would not likely come out until daylight tomorrow, we decided to set up some shelter for them and plan to come back tomorrow morning. This is gut wrenching to say the least.
Our team arrived on site moments ago. Mom and puppies did not come to the corral feeding station overnight. They stayed hunkered down in their cold wooded den all night and did not find the shelters we put out for them. 😓
Four of the puppies went inside the corral before our team arrived and they ate. Mom checked out the corral but has not went inside yet. We are staged waiting on one or all to go inside. This is a very fluid situation so we will capture them one by one inside the corral if that’s what they demand.
We corral captured 1 more puppy. We rearmed the door and are waiting on the next ones who will venture inside.
~~~ Team member Debbie is snuggling him with joy as we race against the clock before frigid temps arrive in a few short hours.
4 captured, 2 to go, then Mama!
The final 2 puppies have been captured and team members Cindy and Ginny are transporting all 6 puppies to Dallas Animal Services right now while Debbie and Selena stay on site and stage for mom’s capture!
We have only 6 hours before dark and mom goes to her den after dark and does not come out till daylight. We are trying our best to entice her inside before dark, ahead of the horrific weather.
We did an extensive thermal aerial search for the 9th puppy that disappeared a few days ago.
During the aerial search, right next to mom who was napping in her den, there was a very small heat signature. We couldn’t get a visual with our regular camera on board because the brush was too thick. Team member Debbie ventured into the thick and thorny brush to retrieve what we thought was the puppy. Once she got super close mom started barking and a rabbit hopped away. They were literally laying right next to each other.
We needed to make sure he wasn’t still alive in the brush and just wasn’t coming out so we continued to search the entire area using aerial thermal imaging. We did not want to leave him/her behind. After hours of searching he was nowhere to be found. Either he got separated and traveled away or he is deceased and we wouldn’t see a thermal heat signature. The brush is far too thick to search on the ground for a deceased puppy.
As we raced against the clock and as the frigid weather was rolling in, we finally got mom inside the Corral but we had to work very hard for hours, meeting her fearful demands, using some serious team brain power and ever changing tactics to get it done.
We all took turns trying different tactics and ideas but Champagne responded to Ginny the best! Ginny worked her down for hours trying to help her be brave enough to go past the door. She finally went inside with Ginny’s persistent coaching and tactical consistency and WITH GINNY INSIDE THE CORRAL just 5 minutes before dark when she disappears to her den and doesn’t come out till daylight. It was truly like playing a game of chess. CHECKMATE!
🩷 She was so sweet and submissive once the door shut.
Our initial and secondary full body scan revealed NO MICROCHIP.
We transported her to Dallas Animal Services for a stray hold. If she is not claimed by an owner/guardian within 4 days, we have made arrangements for Operation Kindness to pick her up from DAS and reunite her with her puppies!
Tomorrow she will see their veterinarian at DAS!
🔥 Tonight they all sleep in warm beds.
We are headed back to McKinney to continue our search for Oliver. https://muttsandmayhem.org/case428-oliver-mckinneytx
The 6 puppies we captured on 1/13/2034 have been reunited with their 2 litter mates that Good Samaritan John captured a few days ago! Operation Kindness picked them up this afternoon! 🐶♥️
Sweet momma has been vetted all except for her spay surgery.
‼️Operation Kindness has not yet picked her up so she is still at Dallas Animal Services.
Team members Cindy and Ginny are going down to Dallas Animal Services to see mom today. 😓😭💔 DAS will euthanize her in about a week if she has not been picked up by Operation Kindness as promised. DAS is at 140% capacity. If OPK does not pick her up, we will tag her ourselves and pick her up. Champagne is the SWEETEST girl. After our team members visit her today we will post pics and video here! ♥️
Team members Cindy and Ginny went to visit Champagne this afternoon and Champagne’s street dad John met both of them there too. It was a very special moment because today was the very first time John got to finally touch her. Our cup runnith over. ♥️ John is over the moon because he has loved her from afar for so long. She loved on John so much. He was so joyful spending time with her.
Champagne was AMAZING!! She was so happy when we got to her kennel. She came right out with Lynne to the play yard with all of us waiting. No pancaking or cowering. She jumped up on each of us and gave us big hugs and kisses. At one time she was definitely someone pet, that’s for sure. She knows love and she knows basic commands. The trauma of getting lost or dumped then the added trauma of street life made her too elusive to hand capture.
Cindy’s husband Josh played with her doing play bows and she immediately reciprocated. Each dog that came into the two side yards attached, she greeted pleasantly. Lynne was so surprised. It was a very heartwarming day. ♥️🐾
A very special Thank You to Lynne Dyer at Dallas Animal Services for all of your help. You are amazing!
‼️Operation Kindness has not yet responded to our follow up email so Cindy went ahead and tagged Champagne today under MMESAR and she will be spayed on Thursday. We will pick her up after surgery. She is SAFE!
Assistant Team Chief Cindy and her husband Josh picked up sweet Champagne from Dallas Animal Services seconds ago! She jumped right into the car and right into her crate. This poor baby belonged to someone at one time! They are on their way home to Frisco where Cindy and Josh will be fostering her. They are both soooo excited and the rest of the team will be heading to Cindy’s house shortly to see her!
Champagne had her spay surgery this morning and Cindy will be putting her in a surgical suit and cone as soon as they get home! ‼️She also has developed Kennel Cough and DAS started her on Doxycycline at our request. We will be monitoring her closely and following up with our Veterinarian.
More details and pictures/video coming soon!
This precious girls kennel cough has deteriorated and this morning she was lethargic, not eating and drinking, and her cough and nasal discharge was much worse so we took her to Dr. Kelly this morning. After xrays, lab work, and several other tests it was discovered that she now has severe pneumonia in her left lung, fluid in her right lung, she is dehydrated, and she is febrile with a temperature of 105.4
We immediately transported her to Veterinary Emergency Group in Allen TX where her treatment started right away. She will be hospitalized for 24-48 hours so that she can receive IV fluids, IV antibiotics, respiratory treatments, and be on Distemper watch.
The Distemper test results will not be back for 5-7 days. Distemper is an incurable, most often fatal, multisystemic (affecting multiple organs) disease that affects the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems. ~~~ If she drastically improves within the next 72 hours there is a good chance it’s not Distemper.
🎗️🐾💛Please help support her medical expenses~
~WEBSITE: https://muttsandmayhem.org/charitable-giving
~ZELLE ID: charitablegiving
~VENMO: @muttsandmayhemESAR
Cindy went to visit her early this morning at shift change and spoke to tech Michelle and Dr. Pena. Thankfully she is not any worse this hour. Her fever has improved and she is less lethargic this morning thanks to the IV fluids. She is continuing to receive nebulizer treatments, IV fluids and IV antibiotics. We will be visiting her again in a few hours.
It is amazing what 24 hours of intensive care can do! She is feeling SOOOO MUCH BETTER and acting more like her happy loving self. We are taking it easy but her energy level is remarkably improved compared to just 24 hours ago. She is eating and drinking and responding excellent to treatment.
She received around the clock IV fluids, IV medications and breathing treatments. Dr. Tierney believes she is doing well enough tonight to go home under continuous medical supervision, home medications, and home nebulizer treatments. Dr. Tierney is very optimistic that she will continue to improve over the next several days.
❤️🩹 From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much to those who donated to her care.
Cindy & Josh have changed her name to Katy! Katy’s street dad John came to see her today. She recognized him immediately of course and it was a joyful reunion. They had a wonderful visit and then John, Cindy, and her husband Josh all went to lunch to celebrate Katy! John loved her new name and John continued to express his gratitude to our team for bringing Katy and her puppies to safety. John generously donated $1000.00 to her medical care. He cared for her so well from a distance for months while she was on the streets and he continues to love and care for her now. We are forever grateful! ♥️
Katy was not happy about these treatments a few days ago but now she doesn’t mind them at all! These saline breathing treatments help her cough be more productive and helps her recover from pneumonia much faster.
We took Katy back to Veterinary Emergency Group in Allen for her follow up X-Rays and exam. Xrays showed a few spots still on her left lung so she will be on antibiotics for another week. She does have a minor heart murmur but nothing needs to be done for that. She is feeling sooooo much better!
Katy was showing a lot of fear in and around the bathtub so Cindy & Josh tried the lick mat with peanut butter in the tub area to see if she would jump in. No go today. They even put treats that she likes inside the tub. 💞 They will keep trying to help her overcome her fear. Katy is not afraid of water, just the bathtub.
Katy’s ribs and spine are totally filled in. We are adjusting her amount of food per vet instructions and switching to adult food. We were previously feeding puppy food per the vet until she gained 10 lbs.
Collin County, Texas, United States
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