McKinney, Texas (Haddock St)
Good Samaritans discovered him astray: 08/01/2023
MMESAR Case acceptance date: 09/15/2023
Captured: 09/15/2023 17:40
Adopted under IADR: 12/28/2023 (see below)
Good Samaritan Patrick began seeing this sweet boy on his street in East McKinney at the beginning of August 2023. At first, he thought it was just one of the dogs that lived in the neighborhood that was allowed to free roam regardless of the leash law. After several weeks, and after his body condition began to decline further, Patrick knew that this sweet boy was simply lost. He tried catching him a few times without success. He began feeding him and tried to gain his trust, but Bernie was much too scared. A neighbor recommended Patrick contact our team.
We were available to get our boots on the ground the very next morning so our team loaded up our equipment and supplies and we headed to the site. Once we arrived, we walked around the neighborhood and surveyed the area. We made contact with Patrick, the Good Samaritan who had been feeding him, and he gave us permission to set up for capture on his property.
We deployed our corral trap in a 5’x10’ configuration. We armed the corral and our team staged inside our vehicle about 30 yards away waiting for his arrival. We LIVE streamed our entire staging period on Facebook (link below)! It’s several hours long but you can fast-forward to the good part.
Bernie finally appeared after almost 8 hours and he was successfully captured.
Bernie was loaded into his transport kennel and we transported him to Veterinary Emergency Group for an assessment and treatment. Ginny & Debbie carried him inside. Bernie was thin and appeared in rough shape. We streamed LIVE on Facebook while at the ER clinic (link below).
Bernie‘s medical assessment revealed Demodex Mange, malnutrition, secondary skin infections, bilateral ear infections, mild anemia, an elevated white blood count and a severe flea infestation. He was NEGATIVE for intestinal parasites, heartworms, and tick born diseases. He was discharged with all of the necessary medications to treat all of his conditions. Thankfully we had given him flea medication during capture so his fleas were already dying and he was already feeling much better.
Total Veterinary Cost: $969.37
After being discharged from the ER, we took him back to one of our team members homes for the night where Debbie gave him a medicated bath.
After a good nights rest and having medication in his system, Bernie woke up feeling and looking much better.
After breakfast and morning medications we will be transporting him to Collin County Animal Services to complete his “Stray Hold” Intake paperwork so that he will be listed on the shelter website so that his family can find him.
We completed Bernie’s Stray Hold Intake paperwork with Collin County Animal Services so that his family can find him online on the shelter website during his 5 day stray hold.
CCAS is allowing our coalition partner “I Am Dog Rescue” to medically foster Bernie during his stray period so that he does not have to enter the shelter in his current physical condition. If Bernie is not claimed by his family during his five day stray hold period, Collin County Animal Services will officially transfer ownership to I Am Dog Rescue where Bernie will be placed into a long term foster home.
We transported Bernie to his temporary fosters Theresa and John under I Am Dog Rescue in Little Elm, TX. Bernie will have foster siblings to help him come out of his shell and decompress after a long journey on the streets. We streamed his arrival LIVE on Facebook.
Bernie is continuing to feel better and he is thriving with his foster family and foster siblings. Here is a video of him feeling good enough to play. ❤️
Look at how much fun he is having in foster care! His skin is healing up nicely too and his fur is growing back! He is thriving!
This is a note his new mom sent us via email. ♥️🥰
Collin County, Texas, United States
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