Garland/Richardson, Texas
(George Bush at Campbell Rd)
Case acceptance date: 10/19/2024
Our team was contacted multiple times in the past few days about a stray dog sighting that was posted to Nextdoor back on 09/30/2024.
We deployed our search team to the site today and we found the precise location these photos were taken. This is definitely within Garland city limits… not Richardson.
We also located the residence of the original poster and we visited her in person. She only saw the dog that one time while she was sitting on her patio. ~~~ When these photos were taken on 9/30/24, he could’ve just been passing through and he is no longer in the area. Or, he could be very close by. But he is somewhere….
We spoke with the superintendent and all of the construction workers and excavators and NOBODY has ever seen him, not even once.
We conducted a thorough thermal aerial search but never could locate him. We gave the original poster, the superintendent, and all of the other workers our card and asked them to please call us if they see him again.
We will absolutely help if there are more sightings of him! ♥️
Collin County, Texas, United States
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