McKinney, Texas
Eldorado Pkwy/Hardin
Discovered Astray: 12/26/2023
Case acceptance date: 01/06/2024
CAPTURED: 01/11/2024 17:01
He is Microchipped (owner does not want him back and they have surrendered him to us)
Name: Khujo (now Beckett)
7 years old
A Good Samaritan posted videos of this stray dog on Facebook who was showing up in his back yard each night for several days. We were tagged on the post multiple times. The Good Samaritan reached out to our team for assistance but when we responded to his email requesting his address he did not respond and he deleted his post. ~~~ Not to fret, we can find him on our own!
Below is his case timeline where we will publish updates in real time and please check back here regularly for pertinent updates.
We reached out to our friends at McKinney Animal Control to see if they were aware of him and if they were working to capture him. They were not yet aware but are going to check it out. We were able to find out the Good Samaritans address from the Collin County CAD and we gave that to animal control so that they could visit the GS’s home and investigate.
Coincidently, nearby Good Samaritans Bradley & Allie, who we have worked with in the past on another stray case, reached out to us today telling us they have been seeing the same dog off and on for OVER A MONTH in the same area. They both offered to assist if we need them! ♥️
We followed up with MAC on his status and they told us “We don’t have him yet, we had another lead on a house he may live at/be staying at and we door tagged them”
We decided that ahead of the frigid cold we have coming soon, he needs off of the streets regardless of whether he has a home or not and he is just allowed to free roam. We plan to locate him, deploy a feeding station, track him from the air to see if he goes to a home, and if he doesn’t then we will prepare him for capture.
If we find that he does have a home nearby then we will notify McKinney Animal Control and they can work with his owners and enforce that they keep him contained. We will also verify from the air that he has ADEQUATE shelter and food/water.
As you know we always triage our cases and sick and injured cases get moved to the top of the list. We have an emergency case across town that needs our immediate help so we are going to deploy a feeding station for this dog and put him on hold for now. He will be fed daily.
Oliver’s emergency case:
We deployed a video monitored feeding station in an isolated location.
Good Samaritan Bradley is going to replenish the food daily for us while we work an emergency case in McKinney (Oliver). If he IS a homeless stray, he does have access to shelter in the nearby storm drain system.
That didn’t take him long.
Since he first found the feeding station last night he has literally visited the station about every 30 minutes all night and all day today. If he does have a home nearby, he certainly lives outside 24/7. His body condition looks great so he is being fed regularly by someone.
We will keep feeding him daily and monitor him on camera while we work Oliver’s emergency case across town.
Regardless we should have this dog captured before this weekend ahead of the frigid temperatures.
Our team decided to go ahead and set up the corral for him so that we can make sure he is conditioned to it and then we will plan on capturing him Thursday night or Friday morning depending on our status with Oliver’s case.
Thank you to Good Samaritan Bradley for coming out and assisting with set up. Bradley will continue filling the feeding station while we continue our search for Oliver.
He walked right in!
When he ate this morning we followed him from the air to see if he goes to a home… he didn’t. He went and slept in the woods.
This sweet boy was captured this evening. We scanned him for a microchip on site, and he does have a microchip. We left a voicemail and sent a text message to the owner linked to the microchip. We also found a paw boost post for a dog with the same name, and the owner has the same last name so we are hoping it is a match. The photo that he has on the pawboost looks slightly different than the dog we captured tonight, but it could be an old photo.
He is a sweet sweet boy. We gave him a dewormer and flea/tick medicine last night. He slept like a baby all night in his kennel and didn’t make a peep.
He is still scared and leary of strangers, but he is relaxing more and more as time goes on. He would not jump up on the bed so we put him there, and he seems to enjoy it.
As of this morning we still have not heard back from his guardian that is registered to his microchip. We are trying to give it just a little more time today before transporting him to Collin County Animal Services for a stray hold.
We heard from the owners from his microchip registration. They said that they rehomed him a month ago (which is exactly when he started being seen). Two days later, the guy they gave him to told the family it wasn’t working out and that he was going to take him to the shelter. Apparently he dumped him instead, but probably because the shelter is requiring ”appointments“ several weeks out. The family does not want him back so they surrendered him to MMESAR. 😓 For now he is at one of our team members home warm and safe.
We completely disagree with shelters engaging in this horrible and technically illegal practice, because people who no longer want animals will dump them instead of them having the shelter as an option for them to go to. Khujo is left to suffer. The entire reason municipal shelters are even in place is to have a place for ALL homeless and unwanted animals to go, regardless of euthanasia.
Shelters receive so much backlash from the public for euthanizing and that is why most shelters have engaged in this unethical practice. The no-kill nation is killing even more animals, killing by proxy by causing them to suffer and die alone on the streets. The shelters figure that if they do not intake animals, then they do not have to euthanize them, which is essentially falsifying their EU numbers, and making them look like the euthanasia situation is not as bad as it truly would be if they accepted all unwanted and homeless animals. Shelters should NEVER turn an animal away. Studies have shown that even people who abuse animals and they realize they have a problem, said they TRIED to do the right thing and take him/her to the shelter but the shelter wouldn’t accept them. This is a disgrace! Humane euthanasia would be much better than the suffering we see them endure. 😣💔😓
Our friends at I Am Dog Rescue accepted Sweet Beckett into their program today and team members Selena and Ginny transported him to his new temporary foster parents Theresa and John. They welcomed him with loving arms and so did their two dogs. ♥️
Mutts & Mayhem Emergency Search and Rescue donated $250.00 to I Am Dog Rescue to assist with his medical and day to day care!
I Am Dog Rescue is looking for a permanent foster home to care for him until he is adopted to a new family. If you are interested please contact them!
Sweet Beckett saw the veterinarian today! He received a clean bill of health as well as vaccinations. He was NEGATIVE for heartworms, intestinal parasites, and tick born diseases. Yay!!! 🥰
Collin County, Texas, United States
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