Garland/Rowlett, Texas
(Hwy 66/Rowlett Rd area)
Escaped: 10/30/2023
Case acceptance date: 12/31/2023
Tequila escaped out of a small opening in the fence chasing a rabbit back on 10/30/2023. Her family has been doing their very best to locate her and hand capture her for over 2 months but they have been unsuccessful. They hired two different scent dog trackers. One of them located Tequila very early on but she is in flight mode and RAN. Sightings were initially concentrated to her neighborhood and then there were zero sightings for all of November. Recently new sightings emerged in the neighborhood slightly to the north of her neighborhood but nobody who has seen her has been able to get a photo for confirmation that it is in fact Tequila. We are hopeful that it is Tequila but regardless there is a Chihuahua running around that needs to be captured.
We have instructed the family to hang and pass out flyers in the new area to try and get more sightings. We have built our case map based on all of the sightings previously reported including the one from yesterday. Based on that intel, our team is deploying today to survey the area and to setup a feeding station to see if we can lure her to it in preparation for capture.
➡️ We need the public’s help by reporting exact sighting locations to the family at the number on the flyer. Please DO NOT CALL ANIMAL CONTROL. They have been unsuccessful at capturing her, and our team needs sightings immediately in real time in order to track her more precisely. Tracking her also helps us with precise and strategic locations to deploy our feeding station locations until she intercepts one. This helps us locate, track and condition her for capture.
We strongly believe that more people are seeing Tequila but they don’t know who to contact. Please help us share her flyer to all of your neighborhood social pages and Nextdoor!
Below is her case timeline where we will publish updates in real time and please check back here regularly for pertinent updates.
Our team put boots on the ground and we are surveying the area. An aerial search is not feasible at this time because Tequila is so small and she can hide under too many structures that we can’t see through from the air.
We deployed a video monitored feeding station in an undisclosed area of the most recent sighting. Tequila’s family met us on site and we went over feeding station instructions. If she is still in the area she should visit the station soon! ~~ We are standing by awaiting new real time sightings where we will attempt to get in front of her travels and deploy a second video monitored feeding station in her path or vicinity. Please report sightings as soon as possible for this reason.
Tequila did not visit the feeding station overnight or yet this morning. Tequila’s family replenished the feeding station this morning with fresh food. There have not been any additional sightings of her since 12/29/23.
Tequila’s family replenished the feeding station this morning. There has been no additional sightings of her and she is not yet showed up to the station. Several dogs have been seen following the liquid smoke trail so hopefully tequila will circle back around to the immediate area. We did get one lead this morning where someone who saw the flyer said that they saw her Saturday evening near the feeding station but the feeding station wasn’t actually set up until Sunday. We are hoping that she will circle back around soon.
We have confirmed that all of the recent sightings are of a different Chihuahua, not Tequila. We are going to pursue capturing this stray Chihuahua while Tequila’s family focuses on getting out more flyers to see if Tequila is still out there and being seen.
We also explained to Tequila‘s family that it’s very possible that someone has picked her up and they are holding onto her instead of taking her to the local shelter like they are supposed to do. ~~~ It’s also possible she is hiding and roaming an area where people won’t see her. An aerial search is not feasible due to how large the area is and because she could be hiding under so many things due to her size. Thermal imaging can’t see through structures.
We deployed a second feeding station in an area where the second Chihuahua is being seen. A very special Thank You to nearby resident and volunteer Elizabeth for replenishing the feeding station daily for us! She also helped with a recent search and capture case in Sachse named “Bear”. ♥️
Tequila’s family is still continuing to replenish the original feeding station (#1) daily as we await new sightings.
There was a new unconfirmed sighting in Tequila’s original neighborhood where she escaped. We advised Tequila’s family to hang flyers in the area and pass out flyers to every resident. We did not see any hung while we were on site today. There are likely more people seeing her, but they have no idea who to call.
Collin County, Texas, United States
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