Plano, Texas (Hwy 121/Custer)
Case acceptance date: 11/08/2023
Captured: 11/15/2023
✳️ Please stay tuned to this page for all case updates! The most recent update towards the bottom of the page.
*********🚫 DO NOT CHASE 🚫*********
********** DO NOT FEED **********
⚠️NOT DANGEROUS… She is just scared and in survival/flight mode. She will RUN if approached.
While actively working another case (Case 416), this white dog suddenly appeared on our radar in the same area. It is unknown at this time whether or not the dog from case 416 originated with this one. They seem to be avoiding each other as we have never seen them together from the air or on the ground as we worked our original case. Our team is still on site this hour investigating and more details will be posted as they evolve.
🔹To see details about the other dog, (Case 416) visit:
We deployed a video monitored feeding station close to her den that we located during our aerial search.
OMG she already visited the feeding station! We will continue to feed her daily and we will capture her next.
Team member Ginny went bright and early this morning to replenish her food. She showed up not too long after to eat her breakfast. We will replenish food this evening.
Feeding station replenished!
This sweet girl came running in hot for dinner tonight! She is extremely on guard because there are a lot of people in the area and the pesty coyote continues to aggravate both of our case dogs in the area.
She came to eat tonight right on schedule! Our team is staged about 300 yards away on capture for case 416… once we capture that dog then we will be luring this baby to the existing corral location and stage for her capture.
This evening we received a call from a nearby resident who accidentally stumbled upon her feeding station while taking his dogs for a walk and he saw our sign. He is very familiar with this dog. He explained that the dog has lived on the streets in this area for more than 2 years. He said the family who owned her had older children who he witnessed abuse her severely on a regular basis. When the family moved they threw her outside like trash and left. Nobody has been able to get close to her after all of this time. She has our team now so she will be safe and off of the streets very soon. ~~ It is unknown if someone contacted Animal Control to report her or if the abuse was ever reported but we are investigating.
Now that the other dog from case 416 has been safely captured, we have moved this girls feeding station to inside the Corral and we will work to move her to this new location in preparation for capture. If you live in the area, please do not approach her and please avoid the area where the corral is. We need for her to relax and feel safe in order to go inside.
She has not shown up to eat inside the Corral as of this hour. We freshened the liquid smoke trail and she will hopefully pick up our trail very soon.
She still has not shown up to the corral overnight. She roams a much larger area than the shepherd (case 416) so it might take her a day or two to circle back around. We also believe the feisty coyote is playing a big role in her erratic patterns just like the shepherd case. Regardless we are adapting to her needs and demands and we will be onsite shortly to setup a new feeding station outside of the corral, closer to her original feeding station location, and we will move it closer and closer to the corral daily if she will tolerate it. We have very limited property access so we can’t take the corral to HER. We have to lure her where we need her to be.
Our team set up a new feeding station halfway between the original feeding station location and the corral location. This will serve as our second feeding station as we test her tolerances of the environment. The second feeding station will be inside the corral as we are still attempting to condition her to go there. If she refuses to go to the corral area, then we will move the corral to this new location.
She showed up to the new feeding station location and ate all of her food! We are going to see what tonight brings before making a decision whether we want to keep luring her to the existing corral location or if we are going to move the corral to this new location.
She visited the new feeding station location again looking for more food. A coyote was right behind her and spooked her initially but then it looked like she casually walked towards the coyote as if they were walking off into the sunset together. The good news is that we did not witness any physical contact. Since our intel suggests that this white dog has been surviving in the area for more than 2 years, it’s possible the dog and the coyote roam together civilly or they at least tolerate each other. During one of our flights in search for the shepherd (case 416), we were at a high altitude and saw two heat signatures which we assumed were both coyotes. Now, after taking a closer look at the footage, it does appear that it was possibly this white dog and the same coyote running around together. All of this is important information because it explains her atypical behavior and it helps us work through our capture plan.
💡 We have seen it from the air before where a stray dog will roam WITH a single coyote and even join young coyote packs. We have even seen some playing together.
The corral feeding station and the 2nd feeding station have both been replenished and there is a fresh heavy liquid smoke trail between the two feeding stations in an effort to lure her to the corral. We will see if she goes into the corral tonight and if she doesn’t we will likely move the corral to the new location she is tolerating better.
Tonights Menu: Merrick Beef Stew with Rudy’s beef brisket on top! 🐾
She came to eat on schedule! We will be moving the corral Wednesday night ahead of dinner time! As of right now, we will be planning for a Friday evening capture and we will begin staging live at 17:30.
The coyotes weren’t too far behind her but we don’t believe they are posing as much of a threat to her as they were Xena (case 416) who was sick.
Team member Ginny replenished both feeding stations this evening.
Our sweet girl did not show up to eat overnight. However, a dog that looks like her was picked up by Plano Animal Services yesterday afternoon in our orange zone. It could be a coincidence but we are heading to the Plano shelter around noon to confirm it is her based on a few of her distinguishing marks. ~ It’s very odd that nobody including animal control could hand capture her for over 2 years but when we are only 2 days away from corral capture she gives up. Maybe we are THAT good! 😛🤣 Stay tuned!
We confirmed this afternoon that the dog picked up by PAS yesterday is in fact our sweet Stella. She was so afraid. NO MICROCHIP. 😰 She will be on stray hold for five days. Hopefully she will either go to a rescue organization, or she will be placed into their adoption program after her stray hold period. She is currently located in kennel number 614.
We received all of your wonderful messages expressing your concerns about PAS possibly interfering with our efforts. We love how all of you have our backs and you quickly go to our defense. ♥️🐾 Please rest assured knowing that Plano Animal Control knew our team was working her case and they did not interfere whatsoever. They are always so grateful for our assistance! They received a call on Wednesday morning about there being a “dangerous dog” 🙄 on the golf course so they had to respond. She was in the far south section of the golf course where she normally didn’t go according to our surveillance so Animal Control honestly thought is was a different dog than our Stella at first. When they arrived, she had already exited the golf course and had made her way into an apartment dumpster area with three walls surrounding it. They decided to corner her and just when they were about to catch pole her, one of the officers got low to the ground and Stella just gave up completely and went full on submissive. For two years nobody in the community nor Animal Control was able to capture her, but this day she completely surrendered.
Perhaps us feeding her nutritious meals daily on schedule for a week and giving her the dewormers and flea/tick medicine in her food helped her feel better and feeling better helped her be more relaxed when she was cornered. It’s a fascinating thing for sure!
When they are on a set feeding schedule like she was and they suddenly don’t show up, we always check the shelter just in case. We saw that Plano had a white Pitti intake on their website Wednesday, the same day she didn’t show to eat. On Thursday we went in person and confirmed it was her based on distinctive markings we witnessed close up on our live video feed at her feeding station.
We will be checking on her regularly and also trying to network her for a rescue to tag her out of the shelter and place her into their foster to adoption program. Please be sure to send your favorite rescues a link to her page/story.
💖 Stella is doing so great! She’s truly a love bug. She just needed a little bit of decompression time but she is coming out of her shell. We will be visiting her soon and we will get lots of pictures and video.
We have not heard anything new other than she is doing well and she will be spayed very soon. We are hoping to go visit her late next week and we will get some new pictures and a more in-depth update.
Stella is no longer displaying on the Plano Animal Services website because they have her on HOLD in the system. She is “tucking her tail and grumbling at men”. It’s not surprising since a witness saw her two previous male owners beating her profusely. 😡😫☹️ She is available for adoption if anyone wants to go see her at the shelter. We are trying to find a rescue to pull her, but we have had no luck so far and she is at risk for euthanasia.
Collin County, Texas, United States
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