Woodbridge Community, Wylie Texas
Good Samaritans discovered him: 7/31/2023
MMESAR Case acceptance date: 8/15/2023
Captured: 8/23/2023
Wylie Animal Control as well as Good Samaritan’s Jennifer and Brian contacted us for our assistance in capturing an extremely elusive dog in the Woodbridge residential community of Wylie Texas. The Good Samaritan’s had been feeding the him every single day since 7/31/2023. Animal control set one of their traps but he would not go inside. Our team deployed to the area the same day to survey the area and to set up our large corral trap.
He has on a collar and what’s left of a leash or rope. When Jennifer first saw him, he was dragging a full leash or longer rope. He must have gotten hung up on it somewhere and chewed his way out.
🔴‼️ WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! ~ 🌭 PLEASE DO NOT FEED HIM OR APPROACH HIM… we will ensure that he is getting the nutrition that he needs. Feeding him will hinder our ability to capture him. ❗️Approaching him will cause him to leave the area and could push him into dangerous traffic. He is too fearful of humans while in survival mode. He is not dangerous, just scared!
Our team deployed to the area and setup our large corral trap in the area where he is being seen frequently. We set up cameras and a feeding station inside the corral. We will be replenishing the food twice per day as we condition him for capture. PLEASE AVOID THE AREA if you know where the corral is. He is in fight or flight/survival mode and he is extremely elusive to humans while he is in this state of mind.
It did not take him long to show up and start checking it out. Throughout the night, he would visit often but he would not go inside to eat so we decided to move the bowl back closer to the door and start our conditioning phase. This phase allows him to eat every single day as we inch the food bowl closer and closer to the inside, allowing him to get comfortable. Once he is finally eating inside of the corral, then we will attach our electronics to the corral and arm the corral door.
He is still petrified but very curious and hungry!
He is continuing to visit the corral multiple times per day and night and he is eating daily. The conditioning process is very slow as we are literally having to condition him inch by inch as we slowly advance the food bowl closer to the inside of the Corral where we need him clear of the door in order to capture him. He is extremely smart and very, very cautious.
A very special thank you to Jennifer, Brian and family for their assistance in replenishing the food and water daily and for being such an amazing advocate for a dog they have never met! They have named him “Oreo” until we find his family and find out his actual name.
His food was replenished at 17:00 today but because there were so many residents out and about early this evening, he was too frightened to come eat. He finally came just before midnight and ate. Tomorrow morning we will advance the food bowl another 3 inches further inside the corral.
It’s been a busy and successful morning for Jennifer, Brian, Oreo and our team! We advanced the food bowl a total of 4 inches today, with movements being hours apart and each time he tolerated the change well. Sweet Oreo finally stepped all four paws inside the corral just moments ago. We are going to let him eat tonight in the same position and we will advance the food bowl 2-3 inches further inside tomorrow morning, as to not push him too hard too soon. The conditioning process is like a game of chess and a lot of give-and-take.
We decided to setup a second live camera just inside the corral past the door closer to the food bowls current position to get a better look at him. We wanted to make sure that the collar is not embedded and to check for ID tags or a phone number. BEST NEWS EVER!! There was a phone number embrordered on his collar! We text’d the number right away and we received an immediate response. We called Linda on the phone and she was in tears. HE HAS A FAMILY! 🩵 His name is “Panda”.
We explained the situation and explained that we are tentatively planning to capture him tomorrow night!
Capture is now eminent! 😃 Over the past several days, we have successfully conditioned him to where he is comfortable and going all the way inside of the corral. Now that he is clearing the corral door we are planning a tentative capture for tomorrow late afternoon. Post capture he will be reunited with his family who is anxiously waiting on the sidelines.
Follow us on Facebook and turn on notifications! We will be LIVE during capture tomorrow. 🩵
He kept returning back to the food bowl since his early breakfast so Jennifer and Brian decided to give him a late morning snack. Milk Bones and fresh Ice in his water dish.
Panda’s owner Linda found Panda and his siblings in a box on the side of the highway at only 4 weeks old. One of the puppies was already deceased inside the box so she knew she had to act quickly. She scooped them up, bottle fed them until they were able to eat on their own, and then she took them all to her Veterinarian. She got them all vaccinated, spayed and neutered, Microchipped, and put them all on preventative medication‘s. When they were nine weeks old she started giving them away.
In May 2023 she gave Panda to a gentleman that she met briefly and she thought he would take good care of him. At the time of capture, Panda had one rope tied around his neck and one leash tied in a knot as if he was tied up somewhere and he chewed his way free OR he was possibly even dumped. There is no way to know for sure. When Linda handed Panda over to the individual she kept Pandas collar on him that had her contact information embroidered on it. That individual never put a new collar on Panda nor did he ever change the microchip registration. Linda has no way to contact that individual nor does she intend to try. Linda still maintains legal ownership title over Panda because ownership was never legally transferred to the other individual according to our legal team.
As of right now Linda plans to keep him at home with her forever after what he has been through. She said to us “I can't let him go again. He was very happy seeing his brothers and sisters when we got home.”. Good Samaritans Brian and Jennifer, who assisted boots on the ground in this case, have expressed their great interest in adopting him should she ever change her mind.
Collin County, Texas, United States
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