Frisco/Little Elm, TX
CAPTURED 7/19/2023
Case acceptance date: 7/11/2023
Missing: 6/16/2023
Frisco Animal Control and Lucy’s family have requested our assistance in capturing a lost dog named Lucy near Teel Pkwy/Sue Wilson Stafford Middle School, and all surrounding areas. She was recently frequenting a single location for several days but tragically Good Samaritans tried to hand capture her and she ran from the area. Our team put boots on the ground Wednesday afternoon and we deployed a camera monitored feeding station in an undisclosed location in hopes of luring her back to that location so that we can prepare for capture.
🔴‼️ WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! ~ 📤 PLEASE SHARE the LINK to this post in the areas’ lost/found social groups, private pages, NextDoor, etc! We are trying to expand the reach so that we can get MORE SIGHTINGS of her which will help us track her, help maneuver our cameras and feeding station(s) to more precise locations, and ultimately prepare her for capture.
❗️Approaching Lucy will cause her to run further away hindering her ability to be captured.
🌭 PLEASE DON’T FEED HER… we will ensure that she is getting the nutrition that she needs once she visits the feeding station.
❤️🐾🖤 Thank you so much!
Our team put boots on the ground and we deployed a camera monitored feeding station in an undisclosed location near her last known location.
We are using all of the reported sightings to diligently track her movements, patterns, routes of travel, etc. which helps us with our feeding station placement. Once she is eating at our feeding station we will deploy our corral trap and capture her at her next feeding.
We have encouraged Lucy’s family to pass out flyers everywhere in the area to try and get more sightings. Someone is seeing her but they don’t know who to call. To date Lucy has not yet shown up at the feeding station. We will continue searching for her.
A new sighting was just reported across Hwy 423 from the location she was chased from on 7/11/23. We will be conducting a detailed ground search of the immediate area.
Sweet Lucy was located hiding in the front bushes of a home nearby Monday‘s sighting location and she was safely captured. She was hidden very well. Lucy does not have any injuries but she is much thinner and covered in fleas and ticks. We will be having our veterinarian exam her, perform a fecal test to look for intestinal parasites as well as a 4DX test to look for tick borne diseases and Heartworms. She is not emergent so we will not be transporting to our Emergency Veterinarian. Lucy will be going home with her family tonight and see our Veterinarian tomorrow. We have advised Lucy’s family to feed Lucy utilizing our starvation protocol tonight and tomorrow for safety.
We took Lucy to see Dr. Meier at All Heart Veterinary Clinic. Lucy’s exam was unremarkable. She was NEGATIVE for heartworms and tick born diseases. Lucy was given a dewormer and treated with prescription Bravecto for fleas and ticks. Lucy’s vaccinations recently expired so we went ahead and got her all caught up while she was there! She is also now on heartworm/flea/tick monthly prevention medication. Lucy’s family is so relieved and after a some rest and decompression time, Lucy should thrive.
Collin County, Texas, United States
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