Captured: 8/19/2023 20:30
Case acceptance date: 5/10/2023 07:30
Went MISSING: 4/7/2023
Soup’s family had just traveled from Washington DC to Frisco Texas for a permanent move. When they arrived at their new home and while the family vehicle was being unloaded, Soup jumped out and ran fast. Thankfully he didn’t go too far but he has eluded his family’s every attempt at capture for several weeks. Soup’s family has gone to the ends of the earth to get the word out for sightings and they have set traps all over the neighborhood but he has completely avoided them. Our Team jumped in to assist due to Soups extreme elusiveness.
🔴‼️ WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! ~ 📤 PLEASE SHARE in this areas’ lost/found social groups, private pages, NextDoor, etc! We are trying to expand the public reach so that we can get MORE SIGHTINGS of him. We are using all of the reported sightings to diligently track his movements, patterns, routes of travel, dens, etc, which helps us navigate to his precise location. This information also helps us know where to place our feeding stations which we use to lure him to various locations that we want him to be.
🌭 PLEASE DON’T FEED HIM… we will ensure that he is getting the nutrition that he needs once he visits the station. Feeding him will hinder our ability to capture him.
❗️Approaching Soup will cause him to run further and could push him into dangerous traffic.
Our Team put boots on the ground today, surveyed the area and started building our case grid map. We reviewed the underground tunnel system maps and mapped all of his most recent sightings. We were able to locate Soup fairly quickly but we witnessed that he runs even as vehicles drive by. He is most certainly in Flight Mode. We deployed cameras underground, above ground, and one baited live trap down in the tunnel system.
Boots On The Ground Time: 6 Hours
Soup did not visit the trap at all yesterday or overnight last night. We were on site again today and we freshened the food in our live trap and we deployed two more camera monitored feeding stations down in the tunnel system. We are going to wait and see if he shows up today and overnight before we make our next move.
Boots On The Ground Time: 5.25 hours
Soup has not yet visited the underground feeding station nor the top side feeding station to date. We have freshened the food daily. We know he is in the immediate area but he is just not hungry. Someone is most likely feeding him which is hindering his ability to be captured. Please keep spreading the word NOT TO FEED Soup!
Boots On The Ground Time: 3 hours
Soup visited one of our topside feeding stations briefly tonight but he only stayed for a second and did not eat. 😰 He is so incredibly petrified. There is no trap set at this location. We wanted to leave it trap free so that he will relax and eat so that he will keep coming back. There was irresistible boiled chicken and fried chicken tenders pieces in the food bowl.
Tonight is the first time that Soup returned to the current feeding station after his very brief overnight visit on Thursday. During the day we see on camera that there are off leash pets walking by the feeding station and at night the wildlife now pay a visit so this feeding station location is no longer ideal. We are moving the station to a new location. The other challenge is that Soup is not eating when he visits the station so we know someone is feeding him somewhere.
Soup is still being seen periodically but he would not enter any of our traps topside or underground so we pulled them. We are focusing on trying to get him eating at a topside feeding station so that we can condition him for capture using our large corral trap that we use for elusive canines.
Soups family is replenishing the feeding station daily and continuing to pass out flyers to all neighbors in the area to try to get more sightings and to reach the person who is feeding him so that they will stop.
Boots On The Ground Time: 4 hours
We have cameras both above ground and underground monitoring his movements and behaviors. This intel helps us logistically build our capture plan and get 30 steps ahead of him! 😽
Capture Plan is in place! Our team and Soups‘ parents staged on site and engaged our capture plan for 7.5 hours today but Soup did not show up. Our capture plan is a very technical capture but we cannot give precise details until after capture in order to protect the integrity of the plan. Soups dad must take a short work break so we will try again in a few hours and stage overnight.
We are on Soup time!
Boots On The Ground Time: 7.5 hours
Our team and Soups parents are staged again on site for a possible nighttime capture. If he shows up we will get him! We are on Soup time and it’s a game of chance. We are staged in our vehicles and our team is watching Netflix waiting for motion alarms to go off!
Our team and Soups parents are still on site staged for capture this hour but he was a no-show all day yesterday and overnight. He is roaming such a large area that it’s by chance that he just didn’t make his way to the capture area this time. We will be demobilizing soon for rest but we will be back soon!
Boots On The Ground Time: 9.25 hours
We almost had Soup captured just moments ago but we missed him by about 90 seconds. 😞
We have Soup under constant surveillance underground while we fine tune the logistics of his capture. Because Soup will not go into a traditional trap and he is much too spooked by people to eat at a topside feeding station, we will be focusing all of our efforts underground.
His capture is extremely tactical where the finest of details are critical and timing must be precise by the second, therefore it takes much longer to work through our plan. Mother Nature hasn’t been very nice lately either causing further delays in order to protect the safety of our capture team. We are very confident that we will have him safely captured very soon. Please continue to follow our progress. We are so grateful that you are here! ♥️🤍🩶
Our capture team and Soups parents will be staging early this evening and overnight for capture. We are on Soup time so please pray he shows up! ~~ If you live in the area and you see our team on site tonight please do not approach or engage with us. We love you and want to talk to you but we simply can’t while we are in position for capture because it hinders our tactical advantage.
Please remember to ignore Soup if you see him and please do not put food out anywhere for him.
Thank you so much for following Soups story.
Soup showed up early at the capture site and he left about 5 minutes before we were all in position for capture. This is what we mean when we say we are on ”Soup Time”. 😞 Soup visits this section of drain pipe in cycles meaning he likely won’t show up again for a week or two. We will be staging on site for capture as soon as he shows up consistently again.
We are no longer searching for Soup. We know his location and we are working his capture plan.
Soup finally showed back up BRIEFLY in the section of the storm drain system that we need for him to be in. He had disappeared for over a week after being spooked. We need to let him relax in there and show up regularly to eat underground before we attempt a technical capture underground.
If you are in the immediate area, and you are familiar with Soup’s location, please do not drop food down in the storm drain or feed him topside. We need for him to only eat in our one designated location under our feeding protocol.
Please continue to check this page regularly for updates. We promise to update you right away when there’s new pertinent information.
We have Soup on video catching rabbits. This is the main reason his capture has been so challenging… because he isn’t hungry. Food is such an important part of the elusive capture process and when they are stressed and not hungry due to unlimited food sources, he has no reason to be enticed with our food. ~~~ Nonetheless cats are opportunistic eaters. He loves the food that we are putting out so when there is a period of time that he isn’t catching his food, he will visit our feeding station again. Once he visits several times consistently over a 24 hour period, we will be able to capture him fairly quickly. We are ready… #SoupTime
Soup has not shown up in the capture storm drain since he was last spooked. We are confident he will soon. The next challenge is that the raccoons found Soups food. Cats and Raccoons play nice together and they won’t deter him. The problem with raccoons is that they eat all of Soups food before he can which delays his capture.
Since Soup has not shown back up into the storm drain that we need him in for capture, but he is continuing to be seen frequently topside in the vicinity of 3 neighboring houses, we decided to deploy a topside feeding station. The homeowners Bonnie and Make have generously offered to replenish the station with fresh food twice per day in hopes that he will visit to eat very soon. We provide wet cat food, rotisserie chicken, tuna, and low sodium chicken broth. We also do a chum trail to the food from his favorite hang out spots.
Soup finally visited the feeding station with curiosity just moments ago. He didn’t eat but this is progress nonetheless. We will be working on various foods to try to get him eating in preparation for Capture.
No sign of Soup again at the feeding station since Tuesday morning. He just isn’t interested in any type of cat food, chicken, tuna, and other common foods that we typically use in capturing a feline. We are going to give it through the weekend and and then revisit our feeding protocol.
Soup doesn’t seem to like the current location on the side of Bonnie and Mike’s home so we are going to move it to the other side under the trees and see if he likes that location better.
Soup has not visited the new feeding station area so we are moving it back to the original location and we will give him more time to visit.
Soup finally visited the home of Good Samaritans Bonnie and Mike again! We need for him to start visiting more frequently in order to capture him. He is loving the food so hopefully he will start to see this as a reliable food source and visit more often.
Soup visited the home of Good Samaritans Bonnie and Mike and he is starting to visit more frequently! This is great news and we are getting much closer to capture time!
Good Samaritans Bonnie and Mike have been feeding Soup for a few weeks now and tonight Soup was hanging out for a long time and they saw an opportunity to try a small trap again and it worked!! They safely captured Soup and he has been reunited with his family. ❤️🐾
Video Courtesy of Good Samaritans Bonnie and Mike and Soups parents Kristin and Evan.
* MMESAR‘s capture team did not trap Soup. Good Samaritans Bonnie and Mike in coordination with Soups parents Kristin and Evan saw an immediate opportunity at the existing feeding station and they deployed and activated their trap.
Collin County, Texas, United States
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