Case acceptance date: 4/26/2023
CAPTURED: 5/2/2023 at 08:35
Frisco Animal Services (and Quincy’s family) has requested our assistance in capturing a lost dog named Quincy in the Panther Creek/Hillcrest area of Frisco. Quincy has been missing since 4/12/23 and the first reported sighting of him was 4/25/23.
📤 PLEASE SHARE to the areas’ lost/found social groups, private pages, NextDoor, etc! We are trying to expand the reach so that we can get the word out NOT TO APPROACH and to get MORE SIGHTINGS of him. This will help us track him, maneuver our cameras and feeding station(s) to more precise locations, and ultimately condition him for capture.
Our team put boots on the ground and we deployed multiple camera monitored feeding stations in undisclosed locations in hope of luring him to one of those locations so that we can condition him for capture.
We are using all of the reported sightings to diligently track his movements, patterns, routes of travel, etc. which helps us intercept him with a camera monitored feeding station. Once he is eating at one of the stations we will deploy our corral trap and capture him at his next feeding.
Please continue to share!!!
We have received multiple sightings in Prairie View and Willow Bay, however Quincy has not shown up to any of the feeding stations yet and we continue to get reports of Good Samaritans who don’t know any better chasing him and trying to catch him themselves. ❗️Approaching Quincy will cause him to keep running further away hindering his ability to be captured. Our team spent more than 8 hours with our boots on the ground passing out flyers, surveying the area, and deploying new feeding stations. Please keep sharing the word.
No sightings at all since Saturday morning. We are confident that people are seeing him but they just don’t know who to call. PLEASE KEEP SHARING to all of your social pages and groups! There is a link above to our Facebook post that can be shared or you may share this webpage!
Quincy was located and safely captured in Westridge of McKinney.
Collin County, Texas, United States
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