♥️🤍🖤 Captured 04/07/23 19:00
Wilson Creek forest, McKinney TX
Case #396-20230407
We were contacted by Winston’s dad Enrique who explained that Winston escaped through a fence opening at his apartments’ Dog Park after hearing a loud noise three weeks ago. Countless Good Samaritans who didn’t know any better chased Winston for three weeks trying to get their hands on him but he eluded their every attempt as it pushed him over 10 miles away from home. Animal Control was not able to capture him either because he was much too elusive. He is a clever little dude with a street dog history (more info below).
Our team deployed to the area of a recent sighting and we tracked Winston to a forest area near Wilson Creek and the Alex Clark Frisbee Golf Course. We deployed a camera monitored feeding station where he visited constantly for 2 days. We then setup our corral trap in a 5x10 configuration and we captured him within 3 hours. Enrique was able to get to the capture scene within 5 minutes where they were reunited. Immediately after capture, we gave Winston an oral treatment for fleas and a dewormer. Thankfully, Winston was also on monthly flea, tick and heartworm preventative. After a brief decompression period inside the corral we put two slip leashes on him and dad carried Winston to his car.
⛑️🚑🏥 Winston was in bad shape with head to toe traumatic injuries. We transported Winston to Veterinary Emergency Group in Allen TX where he was hospitalized. Physical Exam, Labs, X-Rays, and Ultrasounds all revealed infection, moderate dehydration, numerous flesh wounds, and internal injuries. ‼️ It was determined that Winston was NOT struck by a vehicle after all but instead his injuries suggest that Winston likely took tumble down the 20-30 foot embankment along Wilson Creek where he was hanging out at. Shockingly other dogs have died falling down that same ravine before. 😰 Winston received IV fluids, IV antibiotics, and IV pain medication. Tragically, Winston’s spleen was much too damaged and it needs to be surgically removed or it will rupture causing him to bleed out. The ER Veterinarians Dr. Dunn and Dr. Falen said he wasn’t stable enough to have that level of surgery just yet so he wanted him to wait about a week once his infection is stabilized where it will be safe for him to have surgery. After being hospitalized overnight, Winston was stable enough to be discharged home with medications, activity restriction, and rest.
ER INVOICE $2,729.36 (raised $620 as of 4/13/23): Attached in the Photos (MMESAR covered Winston’s emergency care, his dad will cover his spleen removal).
ER COMPLETE VET RECORDS: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xrqh02rub2ln8id/ER%20VET%20Records_Winston%20Case%20396.pdf?dl=0
🐾 PRIOR ELUSIVE TRAPPING HISTORY: Our friends at Duck Team 6 trapped this boy back in May 2022 where he was then placed in foster care with Dallas Pets Alive. Enrique adopted Winston in early March 2023. #TeamDuckMutts. Read more ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/100078349338797/posts/137098128911831/?mibextid=cr9u03
LINK TO OWNERS POST: https://www.facebook.com/100002397320576/posts/6038908912865626/?mibextid=cr9u03 (https://www.facebook.com/100002397320576/posts/6038908912865626/?mibextid=cr9u03)
🐾 Selena Schmidt / Chief, Cameras, Live Video Feed, Rehab, Search Logistics
🐾 Cindy Murray / Asst. Chief, Search Logistics, Social Media
🐾 Debbie Gschwend / Search Logistics, Feeding Stations, Corral Deployment
🐾 Virginia Queen (off duty but on site for team support)
🥾BOOTS ON THE GROUND TIME: 3 days, 7 Team Volunteer Hours
♥️ Thank you all for your support and your following!
Collin County, Texas, United States
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